Click & collect & Delivery 7 days * T's & C's apply, see delivery info for delivery bands

Caged Softwood logs (1.1 m3)

Caged Softwood logs (1.1 m3)

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Tax included.

  1. Bulk logs (caged logs) are delivered loose, not in cage and can be tipped on to a tarpaulin or similar (ideal size 4 x 3 Mtrs) if you have one. Otherwise it will be tipped on to the ground or driveway as close to your store as we can reach.
  2. Sorry, we do not offer a stacking service.
  3. All hardwood and softwood logs are seasoned (left to dry for a minimum of 12 months to allow the sap to dry) but can on occasion be wet to touch as although covered when stored, the logs are not covered during delivery. This surface moisture should not affect the burning of the logs.